Su carácter es doble, complejo y contradictorio. Suele ser elegante. Tiene el sentido de la felicidad, el egocentrismo, la imaginación y la inquietud de los niños. Comienza nuevas actividades y retos con entusiasmo, pero muchas vecesle falta la constancia para realizarlos.

Suele ser cortés, cariñoso, amable y generoso, y a veces utiliza sus atributos para conseguirsus objetivos: es capaz de mentirsin perdersu encanto para obtener lo que quiere. Se desanima con facilidad (como los niños) cuando no consigue lo que quiere, y le gusta recibir atención, regalos y halagos. Suele tener muchos conocidos y pocos buenos amigos.

Its character is double, complex and contradictory. It is usually elegant. It has the sense of happiness, self-centeredness, imagination and restlessness of children. He begins new activities and challenges with enthusiasm, but many times he lacks the perseverance to carry them out.

He is usually courteous, caring, kind, and generous, and sometimes uses his attributes to achieve his goals: he is able to lie without losing his charm to get what he wants. He is easily discouraged (like children) when he doesn’t get what he wants, and he likes receiving attention, gifts and compliments. He usually has many acquaintances and few good friends.